Saturday, January 25, 2020

Features of data and information

Features of data and information Identify the features of data and information Data: Data is defined as the collection of facts about events. This collection of facts is in raw form means that an unorganised and unprocessed form, which cannot be use for meaningful purpose for example Name, Age, Price etc. Information: Information is defined as a well-organised, well-processed and meaningful form of data generated from raw data. The end users utilises this meaningful data for making a decision easily for example Employees Records, Sale Report etc. Accessibility, Relevance, comprehensibility, timeliness and accuracy: In any organisation it is important that accessibility to information must be provided to all departments employees it means that availability of information to the management and other staff. The accessible information must be relevant to the processes, functionality and operations of that department. The information must be comprehensible i.e. clear, well organised and structured, must be timelines i.e. suitable to complete related task and must be accurate to generate the expected result properly. Determine the criteria to be applied when selecting data and information to support decision-making In business environment data is a valuable asset for any organisation. The data must be collected carefully because organisation decision-making processes are based on the generated information from this data. While selecting data and information for decision-making we must apply some criteria to this selection such as accuracy, validity, clarity etc. Data selection criteria: Accuracy, completeness, validity, consistency Accuracy: Data accuracy is vital role in management information because an accurate data can generate highly valuable results. For data accuracy timeliness is important otherwise there will be errors in the result. Completeness: The completeness of the data means the availability of latest data for decision-maker. The incomplete data can lead to poor decision-making management information. Validity: The validity of data mean data must be collected carefully and from an authentic source. The source of data must be known and verified. Consistency: The consistency of data is key role in good management information because it generates reliable, steady, well-organised and well-structured information. Information selection criteria: Data quality, definition clarity, relevance, presentation, timeliness, availability Data quality: To generate highly valuable and standard information data must be according to certain quality standards such as data must be in the appropriate format, well structure, well-organised and standard transferring method must be used. Definition clarity: The generated Information must be clearly and easily understandable, this will allow organisation employees to use the right information in the right place. Relevance: Information must be relevant to a task that it can be examined and packaged into an effective format. This is helpful that the management information is having to the point information but the information must not be incomplete. Presentation: The management information must be able to present information in the right format, order, well-structured and attractive design. This will describe a clearer picture of the organisation. Timeliness: The information must not take longer time i.e. must be concise and to the point that the management information can quickly response. Availability: The regular availability of information must be guaranteed to the management information that all tasks can run smoothly and the management information is able to generate up to date results. Evaluate the impact of a management information system to an organisation Increasing productivity and creativity: Management information system provides knowledge to workers accessing information resources. Using this knowledge the productivity of organisation is increased rapidly i.e. manufacture more products in short time. Not only this but also it brings new ideas and inspiration into the organisation. Developing policies: Management information system helps organisations to get maximum benefits from the extensive use of these information resources in developing policies i.e. planning, implementation and evaluation in the organisation. Use of strategic information resources: In the management information system the strategic information resources helps organisation in increasing productivity and brings new innovation. Organisations are able to do better planning, implement new policies efficiently. Strategic information resources improve the use of information resources in business, government and non-profit organisations strategies. Understanding ICT as a tool for accessing information In the management information system the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) tools are the most commonly used source for accessing information. These tools allow organization to access any type of information such products, researches, new developments, quality standards, communication with employees and customers etc. Managing external, corporate and internal information in organization The management information system systematically and efficiently manages the external information i.e. customer needs and choices, corporate information i.e. organisation values, brand names, advertising and marketing procedure, and internal information i.e. effectiveness of tasks, quick processing, interpretation and response of the organisation staff. Using information to support business processes Information supports the following business process. Market and customer information Using Market information organisation can learn about the competitors in the market allowing them to improve product quality, increase productivity etc. using customer information organisation will have a better understanding of customer needs and choices. Product information Using product information organisation can improve products quality, increase production, price comparison and easily availability. Specialist knowledge Using specialist knowledge organisation can manufacture new innovative products, add new customer to business, reduced cost and expenditure. Business process information Business process information supports the internal information about the performance of the organisation such Finances, Customer, internal process and learning and growth. Management information and plans Management information and plans supports the developing policies, future planes, and improvement of services of the organisation. Human resource information Human resource information is essential for organisations reputation, product support, future planes and innovations. Supplier information The Supplier information allows the organisations to choose from a large number of suppliers offers affordable price, best quality and quick service. LO2: Understanding the importance of information sharing within the organisation Information sharing within the organisation making employees as team allowing them to put forward their ideas, inspiration, new creations, discuss different matter and find solution for critical issue. This improves the overall efficiency of the organisation in terms of employees, products, policies, customers and competitors. Assessment Criteria Determine the legal responsibilities in sourcing, sharing and storing information Confidentiality and privacy: Special care must be taken when sourcing, sharing and storing information such that this must fully compliance with the Data Protection Act. Information about organisation and employee must not be disclosed with out their consent. Copyright and software protection Any type of data, information and software must be used under copyright and software protection Act. This means that using someone work must be authorised by that person or any organisation to which it belongs. Contractual obligations In case of conditional agreement information sourcing, sharing and storing must not breach the conditions i.e. all these operations must be according to the terms and conditions of contract. IS and Crime (criminal not civil law) This includes frauds i.e. dishonestly use of information, infringement i.e. violation of rules and regulation, miss used of information i.e. for the purpose of making organisation or individual unpopular. Discuss when information should be offered and access allowed. Information obtaining, accessing and processing must be according to the Data Protection Act, which gives the right to individuals Person, organisation etc to know what information is held about them, the purpose of information holding as well ensures them that personal information is handled properly. Anyone who is processing someone personal information must comply with the eight principles of Data Protection Act, which are explained below. Fairly and lawful process: According to 1st principle, Personal data must be processed fairly and lawfully. This means that the data subject i.e. person, organisation permitted the processing of their personal information for any legal and legitimate purposes such as employment, justice, health and safety etc. Process for limited purpose: According to 2nd principle, Personal data must be obtained and process for a limited purpose only i.e. one or more particular and lawful purposes. If the further processing of personal information is required for other purposes than the specified then the data subject must be informed and further processing should be according to the data object consent. Adequate, relevant and not excessive: According to 3rd principle, Personal data must be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the purpose it is obtained and processed. This must ensure the data subject that the processing of personal data is relevant to the specified purpose and is not unnecessary. Accurate and up to date: According to 4th principle, Personal data must be accurate and up to date if necessary. This means that the accuracy of the data must be ensure whatever it is directly obtained from the data subject or it is through third party. It is the responsibility of the data object to inform the about any changes or inaccuracy in the data. Not kept for longer than is necessary: According to 5th principle, Personal data must not be kept longer than is required for the purpose or purposes after it is processed. Process in line with a persons right: According to 6th principle, Personal data shall be processed with the data subject rights under the Data Protection act. This means the data subject has the right to request for the correction, blocking and deleting of their personal data after processing. Secure: According to 7th principle, the security of personal data must be ensures. This means that in case of unauthorised or unlawful processing, accidental loss and destruction to the personal data appropriate technical and organisational measures should be taken to prevent such incidents. Data Transfer According to 8th principle, Personal data must not be transferred outside the European Economic Area i.e. to outside countries. If the outside countries can ensures that personal data will have adequate level of protection and will be processed with the consent of data object and for the specified purpose, then in such situation data can be transferred. Evaluate the formats in which information can be offered. Electronic/manual: In Electronic format information are provided through electronic means computer generated such as E-mail, Ms Word file, Excel sheet, Data Bases etc. while manual information are almost are provided on papers i.e. printed or handwritten such as log books, manual order book, letters, books, reports etc. Lists of Individuals List of individual could be computer generated or manual, which contains details about organization employees, managerial stop and other staff responsible for different task. Usually this contains names, designation, contact etc. Libraries: Libraries are well organized and well-structured data storage system used in computer to holds data files, folders, records, pictures, and videos in a proper order etc. now days there are many electronic libraries holding e-book, e-journal etc. not only electronic libraries are used still most organization using large number of manual libraries contains books, journal, research papers, reports etc. Folders Folder is container used by computer system for organizing folders, programs and files on a disk in graphical user interfaces mostly represented with a graphical image (icon) of file folder on the screen. Manual folders normally used for holding papers i.e. invoices, report, expenses etc. Documents Computer generated document is any self-contained piece of work created with help of any application program is saved with a unique file name. This unique name is used to retrieve that document. While manual documents are hard copies or handwritten records, personal detail, manual etc. List items inside the lists This is heretical or tree structure, similar items are list under single category the inside list are known as sub categories of the main category. This keeps items in an organized structure and it is easy to find and locate a specific item. List items present in the libraries: In the libraries all items are divided in categories, each category contains a list of interrelated items as well sub items, this categorization helps in searching and locating items within the vast amount of the available items. LO3: Use information to inform and support strategic decision-making Assessment Criteria Analyze information to identify patterns and trends With the help of information system organisations can identify and predict the patterns and trends in all aspect of the business such as market, competition, customer demands etc and based on the information analysis they can make good strategic decisions. The market The Information system analyses the data collected from the market and based on the analysis the organisation can decide about the product quality improvement, increase productivity, adjust product price and can decide about the launching of new products and organisation future planes. The competition Based on the Information system analysis of the market data organisation can decide about the product price reduction, improves quality, improve advertising campaign, more facilities to customer and shareholder, easily availability etc as competition with other organisation. The state of economy Based on the Information system analysis organisation can manufacture economical product with low cost and can utilise available resources efficiently i.e. reduction in manufacturing time, proper use of material, required amount of product, reduction in manufacturing defects etc. Legislative development Information system improves the legislative system of the organisation. They are fully compliance with the data protection act, international laws and standards, legal rights. Based on the information analysis the organisations can take legal steps to attract Customers, compete with their competitors, can utilise information resources, shares informations, utilise hardware and software etc. Customer demands Based on the Information system analyses of the collected data from the market organization can predict the customer demands such as what customer wants, is their need of improvement in products, is there a possibility to launch new product, are products easily available to customer, is there a need of change in the policy and legislation, are customers able to commits complains and advices etc, are they happy with prices etc. Evaluate a range of decision making tools and techniques available to support a strategic decision SWOT SWOT (Strength weaknesses opportunities and Threats) analysis tools provide an organization a structural analysis of its Strengths, Weaknesses, the opportunities and threats they are facing. The SWOT analysis is based on the discussions and people viewpoints and it is not the end but step before any action planning take place. The organization use the analysis result to appreciate its strength (personal, competition, knowledge, production etc) for taking decision to minimize its weaknesses (improve developments, competition, product quality, customer communication etc), utilize most of the opportunities (possibilities, value in next five years, product demands etc) available and treating possible present and future threats (limitations, losing product values, equipment and software fault etc) in a planned and well organized way. Critical success factor (CSF) Critical success factor is an approach takes by the organisation to determine organisational need for information. There are a numbers of key factors required for any organisation to be successful, these factors are known as critical success factors. If organisation is unable to achieve these critical success factors, then this will have a high impact on the organisation and as a result there is possibility of organisation failure. Model Driven DSS Model-driven is a complex Decision Support System (DSS) system helping in analyzing decisions or choosing different options between the available. This type of system is used by the organization / Business managers and staff members, or by other peoples usually interact with the organization. The use of the system is for a number of purposes, which is depending on the setup of the model such as scheduling, decision analyses etc. there are a number of ways for the deployment of Model Driven DSS system such as in stand alone PCs through hardware and software in, through client / server systems, or through the web. Data Driven DSS The organization manager mostly uses the Data Driven Decision Support System (DSS) system as well staff and the product/service suppliers used it. The use of the system is for a specific need by sending query to a database or data warehouse, which then returns the requested specific information. This type of system is mostly deployed through a mainframe system, client/server system and trough the web. Computer-based databases are the example such system, having the capability to response to query and valuable results value from existing databases. Data Mining Data Mining is the data analyzing process from different perspectives and after processing generation of useful information summary. This summary information are utilized by the organizations to increase revenue, cuts costs etc. Data mining software is one of the analytical tools available to analyze data. This tool allows users to do analysis of the data from different angles, categorize data, and finally identification of the relationships in a summarized data. Determine the source available to assist in analyzing data information Information resources such as Data, Information and knowledge In business environment information resources are the most valuable assets for any organisation. The information i.e. data, information or knowledge must be collected carefully and with authenticity because the organisation decision-making processes are based on these information. These sources of these information resources could be organisation employees, customer and other organisations but there must be some criteria for using these resources such as accuracy, validity, clarity etc. Technology resources such as hardware and software For the processing of organisation data and information such as products detail, employees details, manufacturing, stock and accounts information appropriate technology resources such hardware i.e. computer systems, printers etc and software database system, data analysis tools etc must be available to managers and staffs of the organisation. Using such resources reduces production time, cost, improves communication within the organisation and with the customers. People resources such as employee and managers in organizations Organisation employees and managers are the vital part in analysing data because they provides the organisation internal data such as manufactured quantity, cost, stock etc and as well they are operating the available equipments, computer systems and software. In organisation mostly there are people specially trained for operating specialised hardware and software for information processing, analysing, report generation. LO4: Monitor and review management information Assessment Criteria Identify methods of evaluating management information within an organization For high level of management information organisations utilise different information evaluation methods to ensure a reliable, trusted and quality of information management system. Data governance Data governance (DG) is the overall management of the data employed in the enterprise. The Data governance ensures the availability, usability, integrity, and security of the employed data. A governing body or council runs a well-organized data governance program with a well-defined set of procedures and plans for the execution of defined procedures in the right direction. The followings are the three key elements of the successful data governance in an organization. The ability to use timely, reliable, trusted information to drive the business The data governance program must be able to ensure the information availability within the prescribed time frame to the recipients that it can be processed at in early stage. This information must be reliable i.e. consistent that execution of different processes can be performed in proper order and in the right direction. As well the information must be trusted i.e. accurate, update and must be gathered from the trusted source otherwise it will lead to program failure. Improving the quality of business decision- making The data governance programme must be able to utilise certain standard decision support systems for the achievement of high quality of business decision-making such as Model Driven DSS, Data Driven DSS etc. The available data for decision-making must be according to certain quality standard, appropriate format, well structured and well organised. Ensuring consistent use of information The data governance program must ensure the consistent use of information in organisation for reliability and smooth flow of business different process. The information flow must be regular to different component of the overall system that the system can generate reliable, trusted and high quality of result otherwise inconsistency will generate incorrect result and will lead to system failure. Management information value Timeliness Timeliness is a high importance in management information, which means that the recipients must receive information within the prescribed time frame. The timeliness can ensure an early stage information execution, which generates the accurate information result. The characteristic of timeliness of information must be effective as well must includes the current up to date information. Content Management information system provides valuable contents for organisation internal and external process support. These contents support business different process such as contents for decision making process, for manufacturing process, for marketing process, financial process, customer and services support etc. Format Management information system provides information in an appropriate and clear format, which is easily understandable. The provided information clearly describe the need, the purpose and place where it can be used such as market related information clearly describes the value of the organisation and its product that can be used to improve quality and services. Cost Management information systems help organizations in cost reduction in the overall business i.e. internally and externally. It allows organizations to deliver their products and services to customers at lower price than their competitors. Therefore, due to information system organizations can survive in difficult situations and can grow rapidly. Discuss process for analyzing impact of information on strategic decision made Set objective of process or organization The information analysis allows the decision-maker in the organization to develop and set objectives and allocates resources required for the achievement of these objectives. Thus the organization top-level management is benefiting from information analysis in making strategic planning. Evaluate weather goals achieved The information system allows the organisation to evaluate weather the desired goals are achieved from the information analysis or not. In case of failure the process is refined with utilising more resources, expertise, care and thoroughly investigation to make sure a quality of result achieves. Gap analysis is used for the evaluation of weather goals achieved or not. Assess reasons for variance from target to actual The performance diagnosis is done by applying knowledge to performance to check weather the processes, operations and functions are generating the quality results or not. Each process is judged thoroughly weather the overall process is running smoothly and will complete successfully. Revise and implement new approaches or modify goals If there is any mistake in the process it is revised and retest. Some times the achievement of the desired resulted new approaches is implemented and some time the difficulties in achieving result can lead to modification in goals. The ASHEN factors is used for the assessment of knowledge quality at the points described below Decisions Problem solutions Solution creation Judgement Learning points The ASHEN factors are one of the important attributes used in DIKAR model for knowledge quality assessment. It helps in making the decisions in the right place and direction, helps in finding the solution for the problems, helps in finding solution in an appropriate manners, helps in judgement of the task, problems, solutions and finally allowing end user to learn different approaches for the solution of the desired task. REFERENCES Dr.L.Ali, 7004_Strategic Information Management, 2009, Lecture Notes, Cromwell college of IT Management Manga Singh, Management Information System, 2010, Thesis Data Protection Act 1998 The Principles explained, at

Friday, January 17, 2020

Internal Combustion Engine and no Diversion Required

ETOPS DEFINITIONS : ETOPS are those flights conducted over a route that contains a point further than one hour flying time at one engine inoperative, still air cruise speed under standard conditions from an ADEQUATE AIRPORT. 430 NM’s for A-310 for one hour. We have 120 minutes ETOP’S approval from DGCA. ADEQUATE AIRPORT : is an airport that meets the landing performance requirements of the aircraft ie. Ruway length, ATC, Lighting, Communications, weather reporting, Nav Aids, airport facilities and at least one instrument approach.Adequate Airports are selected at the time of planning ETOP’S routes. [Not necessary to meet PCN requirements. ACN may exceed PCN when airport is used in an Emergency – not normal use] SUITABLE AIRPORT : is an ADEQUATE AIRPORT which at the ANTICIPATED time of use. [1 Hour before earliest E. T. A. to 1 Hour after latest E. T. A. ] has weather reports OR forecasts which indicate the weather conditions to be at or above the approved minima. The X – Wind component for Runway expected should be below permitted X – Wind limits. IMPORTANTADEQUATE AIRPORTS are fixed when planning route. SUITABLE AIRPORTS vary for each flight depending upon real time weather, Facilities available/not available, etc. applicable at the time of despatch of an ETOP’S flight. In case of an actual Diversion to a SUITABLE AIRPORT, normal landing minima will apply. Check Wx for SUITABLE AIRPORT is above landing minima for that airport before entry into ETOPS area. ADEQUATE AIRPORTS may temporarily become unsuitable if any of the requirements of a ADEQUATE AIRPORT may be temporarily unavailable.WEATHER MINIMA Weather minima for airports designated as suitable enroute alternates under ETOPS Regulations are prescribed as under. It must be noted that the minima shown hereunder are for despatch release purposes only and in the event of an actual diversion, the applicable landing minima for that airport will be the controlling factor. Further, these minimas are for precision/non precision approaches at the respective airports.In the event ILS is not available, the despatch ETOP minima for that airport should be determined as per FAA Advisory circular AC 120 – 42A dated 30. 12. 1988 which lays down the following criteria. 1. Airports with 2 or more ILS on separate runways: Ceiling of 400ft and visibility of 1600m or Ceiling of 200ft and visibility of 800m above the authorised ILS landing minima; HIGHER. 2. Airports with ILS on single runway: Ceiling of 600ft and visibility of 3200m or Ceiling of 400ft and visibility of 1600m above the authorised ILS landing minima;HIGHER. . Airports with non – precision approaches: Ceiling of 800ft and visibility of 3200m or Ceiling of 400ft and visibility of 1600m above the authorised non precision landing minima; whichever is higher. NOTE : * – Based on the consideration RW 09/27 is available. # – To be used only when RW 09/27 is not availabl e for operation. CHANGING ALTERNATE IN FLIGHT There is no restriction on the Commander in changing the alternate in flight, after taking into consideration all factors, provided the aforesaid conditions are satisfied.In an emergency, the Commanders can act in the best interest of the Company and occupants of the aircraft. DIVERSION STRATEGIES Diversions due to land ASAP situations. 1. In Flight Engine Fire. 2. APU Fire. 3. Single Engine Operation. 4. Loss of Both Engine Generators. 5. Avionics Smoke. 6. Cargo Compartment Smoke. 7. Dual Hydraulic System Lo Pressure. Critical fuel Scenarios are : 1. Engine Failure. 2. Pressurisation Failure. 3. Engine & Pressurisation Failure. Depending upon the situation, 3 Strategies are used : 1. ELECTRICAL GENERATION |AVAILABLE GENERATOR’s AT |AFTER 1ST GEN FAILED |AFTER 2nd GEN FAILED OR APU |AFTER 3RD GEN FAILED | | |DESPATCH | |NOT AVAILABLE | | |NORMAL DESPATCH |2 ENG |START APU |NO DIVERSION REQUIRED |DIVERSION REQUIRED | | |1 APU |NO DIVERSION REQUIRED | | | | |1 STANDBY | | | | |MEL OR NORMAL |2 ENG |NO DIVERSION REQUIRED |DIVERSION REQUIRED |NOT APPLICABLE | | |1 APU | | | | |MEL DESPATCH |2 ENG | | | | | |1 STANDBY (b) | | | | (b) STANDBY GENERATOR TO BE CHECKED ON GROUND. 2. ALWAYS DIVERT TO NEAREST SUITABLE AIRPORT FOR CARGO SMOKE. 3. IF GREEN HYDRAULIC LOST, STANDBY GENERATOR U/S, FACTOR THIS IN CASE OF MEL RELEASE FOR ELECTRICAL, SUBSEQUENT ELECTRICAL FAILURES. MEL DESPATCH CONSIDERATIONS FOR ETOP’s [NOT EXHAUSTIVE – CHECK MEL FOR ACTUAL] 1. AIR CONDITIONING. BOTH PACKS, PACK DEFLECT DOORS, TBV, PACK FAULT LIGHTS, PACK AUTO/MAN TEMPERATURE CONTROL. 2. PRESSURISATION. BOTH OUTFLOW VALVES. 3. VENTILATION.BLOWER FAN, EXTRACT FAN, OVBD VALVE, INBD VALVE. 4. AUTO FLIGHT SYSTEM. PITCH TRIM : FOR ER, #2 MAYBE INOPERATIVE. BUT BOTH OPERATIVE FROM BASE. AUTO PILOT 1 : AUTO PILOT OFF WARNING MESSAGE. TCC & AUTO THROTTLE ACTUATOR MAYBE INOPERATIVE. [FOR 1 FLIGHT TO AIRPORT WHERE REPAIRS CAN BE MADE] 5. ELECTRICAL. STANDBY GEN MUST BE OPERATIVE. DESPATCH ALLOWED FOR 1 FLIGHT TO AIRPORT WHERE REPAIRS CAN BE MADE. OR FOR ER MAY BE INOPERATIVE PROVIDED APU GENERATOR AVAILABLE AND OPERATES CONTINOUSLY WHEN IN ETOPS SECTOR [ BEYOND 60 MINUTES FROM AN ADEQUATE AIRPORT ] APU GEN EXCEPT FOR ER MAYBE INOP OR FOR ER OPERATIONS UPTO 120 MINUTES, APU GEN MAYBE U/S PROVIDED STANDBY GENERATOR IS OPERATIVE. 6.FIRE PROTECTION. BOTH FIRE LOOPS ON EACH ENGINE. 7. CRT. ALL CRT’s, ECAM SGU, FWC. ONLY IRS #2 CAN BE INOPERATIVE. IRS 1 & IRS 3 MUST BE OPERATIVE. BOTH FMS. 8. PNEUMATIC. BOTH BLEED SYSTEMS, BLEED VALVES. 9. ENGINE IGNITION. CHECK MEL. 10. IMPORTANT FOR ETOPS STANDBY HORIZON, BOTH OIL QUANTITY, FUEL QUANTITY INDICATIONS, â€Å"DC ESS ON BATT† LIGHT, APU INDICATIONS ON ECAM, FUEL X – FEED, 2 HF, 2 VHF. ETOPS FUEL AND FLIGHT PLANNING EEP :ETOPS ENTRY POINT. THAT POINT ON ROUTE WHICH IS FURTHER THAN ONE HOUR FROM AN ADEQUATE AIRPORT. EXP :ETOPS EXIT POINT. THAT POINT ON R OUTE AT END OF ETOPS SEGMENT WHERE AN ADEQUATE AIRPORT IS AVAILABLE WITHIN ONE HOUR.ETP :EQUI – TIME POINT BETWEEN TWO SUITABLE DIVERSION ALTERNATES. CRITICAL FUEL SCENARIOS : IS FUEL REQUIRED ASSUMING A NORMAL FLIGHT AND 3 DIFFERENT FAILURE SCENARIOS AT CRITICAL POINT. THE 1 REQUIRING MOST FUEL IS ETOPS CRITICAL FUEL SCENARIO. THE THREE FAILURES ARE ( ENGINE FAIL. ( DE PRESSURISATION. ( ENGINE FAILURE AND DEPRESSURISATION. FUEL REQUIREMENT ? FUEL BURN OFF FROM CRITICAL POINT TO DIVERSION AIRPORT, DOWN TO 1500 FEET OVERHEAD. ASSUMING SIMULTANEOUS FAILURE OF ENGINE AND PRESSURISATION, IMMEDIATE DESCENT TO 10,000’ THEN CRUISE AT SINGLE ENGINE SPEED. ? 15 MINUTES HOLDING AT 1500’ AT GREEN DOT SPEED. ? ONE INSTRUMENT APPROACH, SECOND VISUAL APPROACH. 5% OF FUEL BURN OFF AS CONTINGENCY FUEL. ? 5% FUEL MILEAGE PENALTY OR A DEMONSTRATED PERFORMANCE FACTOR. ? EFFECT OF MEL – CDL. ? APU FUEL CONSUMPTION IF REQUIRED AS POWER SOURCE. ? WIND AND MET CONDITIONS CONSID ERED FOR CRUISE AT SINGLE ENGINE ALTITUDE THEN TO DESCEND AND LAND INCLUDING ICING CONDITIONS, WING ANTI – ICE, NACELLE ANTI – ICE AND DRAG FROM ICE ON UNHEATED PORTIONS OF AIRCRAFT. ? ATC CONSTRAINTS. AIR INDIA ETOPS FLIGHT PLAN ETOPS ANALYSIS. CIRCULAR A310/99/RED-11. FOR THE CHOSEN SUITABLE PAIR OF AIRPORTS FOR THE FLIGHT, THE EARLIEST/LATEST TIME OF ARRIVAL IS GIVEN. EXAMPLEVOMM SUITABLE 2140Z/0139Z [EARLIEST BASED ON 2 ENGS, LATEST 1 ENG] WMKP SUITABLE 2335Z/0139ZTHESE TIMES ARE BASED ON ONE HOUR BEFORE EARLIEST ARRIVAL TO ONE HOUR AFTER LATEST ARRIVAL. EARLIEST ARRIVAL TIME BASED ON TWO ENGINE OPERATIVE SPEED. LATEST ARRIVAL TIME BASED ON ONE ENGINE INOPERATIVE SPEED. THE CRITICAL FUEL CALCULATION IS BASED ON ABOVE CHOSEN PAIR OF SUITABLE ALTERNATES. FORMAT ? ETP LAT/LONG / DISTANCE FROM ORIGIN AIRPORT TO ETP / FLIGHT TIME FROM ORIGIN AIRPORT TO ETP / BURNOFF FROM ORIGIN AIRPORT TO ETP / ESTIMATED FUEL REMAINING OVER ETP. ? TIME FROM ETP TO ALTERNATE BASED ON ONE ENGINE FIXED TAS / TEMP AT FL100 AT ALTERNATE 1 / ETP / ALTERNATE 2 ? THEN FOLLOWS A SUMMARY OF GREAT CIRCLE DIST / MET DATA FROM ETP TO BOTH SUITABLE ALTERNATES. FUEL CALCULATION IS BASED ON LRC ALSO WEIGHT OVER ETP IS GIVEN. THE LAST PART CONTAINS THE CRITICAL FUEL CALCULATION REQUIRED TO DIVERT TO ALTERNATES FROM ETP. ? THE FIRST COLUMN ON THE LEFT SIDE GIVES THE MOST LIMITING FUEL REQUIRED FOLLOWED BY TIME FOR THE ENTIRE LINE. THE TOTAL OF THIS COLUMN WHICH GIVES YOU THE TOTAL CRITICAL DIVERSION FUEL. ? TOTAL CRITICAL DIVERSION FUEL PLUS FUEL FROM ORIGINAL AIRPORT TO ETP IS EQUAL TO TOTAL ETOPS REQUIRED FROM ORIGIN. ? THE NORMAL FLIGHT PLAN FUEL SHOULD BE HIGHER THAN THIS FUEL. ? NOTE TAXI FUEL IS NOT INCLUDED IN THE ABOVE CALCULATIONS. STANDBY GEN CHECK [DONE BY AME] / FUEL X – FEED CHECK FOR ETOPS. REFERENCES FOR ETOPS ? STANDING ORDERS PAGE 7 – 16 [ EXTRACTS ON NEXT PAGE ] ? FLIGHT DESPATCH MANUAL ? CIRCULARSA-310/1999/RED-118/4/99ETOPS FLIGHT PLANNING A-310/20 01/RED-288/7/01ETOPS A-310 [IMPORTANT CIRCULAR – HAS ALL OUR ROUTES, ETOPS SEGMENTS AND ETOPS ALTERNATES] ? OPS/HQ/A-310/92-4 26/8/92 ? JEPESSEN – ETOPS WEATHER MINIMA STANDING ORDERS ON ETOPS ? NOTE – IN CASE OF ENGINE FAILURE OR SINGLE/MUTIPLE PRIMARY SYSTEM FAILURE IT IS A REQUIREMENT THAT PILOT DIVERT TO NEAREST ADEQUATE/SUITABLE AIRPORT. ? AS FAR AS POSSIBLE RETURN OR PROCEED TO AN ONLINE AIRPORT WITHIN THE STIPULATED RANGE OR LAND AT AN AIRPORT ON THE TRACK. ? IF MORE THAN ONE SUITABLE ALTERNATE AVAILABLE, CONSIDER AVAILABILITY OF ENGINEERING. ETOPS ENROUTE ALTERNATES. SECTOR |ALTERNATES | | | | |MAA – HKG – MAA |CHENNAI, BANGKOK, PHUKET | |BBG – SIN – BBG |CHENNAI, BANGKOK, PENANG, PHUKET, YANGOON | |SIN – DEL |PHUKET, CHENNAI, MUMBAI | |TRV – SIN – TRV |COLOMBO, PENANG, PHUKET, CHENNAI / KUALA LUMPUR, | | |CHENNAI / SINGAPORE | |BOM – SIN – BOM |CHENNAI, BANGKOK, PENANG, YANGOON, PHUKET | |MAA – KUL- MAA | | |MAA – SIN – MAA | | |BOM – DES – BOM |SALALAH / MOMBASA | |BOM – NBO – BOM |SALALAH / SEYCHELLES. MALE / SEYCHELLES | ———————– NO OBSTACLE (STANDARD STRATEGY) DESCEND WITH MCT/M0. 80/300 KTS ON REACHING S. E. ALT LRC 2. 16. 30 – Pg 7 TO 10 OBSTACLE PROBLEM (OBSTACLE STRATEGY) DRIFT DOWN WITH GREEN DOT SPD. MCT 2. 16. 30 1-2 AT D. D. ALT. IF OBSTL NOT CLD. MAINTAIN GREEN DOT/MCT, SEL HIGHER ALT TO CLR OBS. AND LVL CHG TO ACHIEVE ASC CRZ. IF OBS CLRD. FOR SUBSEQUENT CRZ USE LRC 2. 16. 30 – Pg. 7 TO 10 MINIMUM TIME DIVERSION (MIN TIME DIVERSION STRATEGY) FOR UN- EXTINGUISHED FIRE,SMOKE DESCEND AT MCT & M0. 84/340 KTS RECOMMENDED – FL180 TO FL200 ON REACHING S. E. ALT. MAINTAIN MCT OR REQ THRUST FOR 340 KTS. 2. 16. 40 – Pg. 2 – 4 FL180 – FL200 | |PRECISION APPROACH |NON PRECISION APPROACH | |AIRPORT |CEILING ft |VI SIBILITY mtrs CEILING ft |VISIBILITY mtrs | | | | | | | |ADEN |- |- |890 |3600 | |BANGKOK |400 |1600 |910 |4000 | |CHENNAI |650 |3200 |1250 |6000 | |CHIANG MAI |690 |3200 |1170 |5200 | |COLOMBO |630 |3200 |910 |3600 | |DANANG |690 |3200 |1070 |4800 | |DAR E SALAAM |600 |3200 |1070 |4800 | |DEN PASAR (Bali) |700 |3200 |860 |3600 | |DJIBOUTI |600 |3200 |900 |3800 | |HANOI |630 |3200 |1000 |4000 | |JAKARTA |420 |2000 |890 |4000 | |KARACHI |620 |3200 |790 |3200 | |KUALA LUMPUR |400 |1600 |940 |4000 | |KUNMING |680 |3200 |1200 |5200 | |LEARMONTH |- |- |900 |4900 | |MALE |730 |3200 |870 |3600 | |MOMBASA |600 |3200 |860 |3600 | |MUMBAI |* 610 |* 3200 1760 |6400 | | |# 900 |# 4400 | | | |MUSCAT |620 |3200 |960 |4000 | |NAIROBI |600 |3200 |1200 |6000 | |PENANG |690 |3200 |1550 |5600 | |PHUKET |- |- |1270 |5600 | |SALALAH |620 |3200 |830 |3600 | |SEYCHELLES |840 |4000 |1390 |6400 | |SINGAPORE |400 |1600 |970 |4000 | |YANGON |670 |3200 |900 |5300 | |ETOP MINIMA FOR AIRPORTS WHICH CAN BE USED I N PLACE OF BOMBAY FOR GULF SECTORS [14 NOV 2002] | |AHMEDABAD |650 |3200 |950 |5200 | |CALICUT |1060 |5100 |1450 |6600 | |COCHIN |690 |3200 |1010 |4400 | |GOA |850 |3500 |990 |4800 | |TRIVANDRUM |650 |3200 |1170 |6000 | LAND ASAP DIVERSION SUMMARY FAIL ENGINE FIRE ENGINE OR APU SMOKE AVIONICS CARGO DUAL GENERATORS, HYDRAULIC

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Perspective on Color and Race from a Childs Eye Essay

When children come into the world they are not born hating anyone, in fact they are born completely helpless and dependent on another person to care for them. Children are also dependent on others to learn. They come into this world needing to feel protected and loved, so why do we teach them to hate? Why not instead teach them to love? There are many things that will need to change in our society to dismantle racism; however it will need to start with our children. My paper will show who is oppressed, who is oppressing, and will compare and contrast what has happened in history, and to where we will need to start to end racism. I Have a Dream Dr. Martin Luther King in his â€Å"I have a dream speech† stated that now is the time to rise†¦show more content†¦With this theory, it leads many adults not wanting to talk to their children about race because they fear it could lead to putting ideas in their minds (Aboud 2008). When young children do express thoughts of race or being bias, it is often dismissed as either bad parenting, child not knowing what they are talking about, or simply bad behavior in children. Research clearly shows that children not only recognize race from a very young age, but also develop racial biases by age’s three to five that do not necessarily resemble the racial attitudes of adults in their lives (Aboud 2008). Three- to five-year-olds in a racially and ethnically diverse day care center used racial categories to identify themselves and others, to include or exclude children from activities, and to negotiate power in their own social/play networks (Van Ausdale Feagin 2001). Children are motivated to learn and conform to the broader cultural and social norms that will help them function in society. In order to gauge these community norms, children have to gather information from a broad range of sources – not just their own families (Aboud 2008). By the time they are 6 years old, many children are showing in-group favoritism toward their own race, which some have interpreted as a developing prejudice toward people of other racial and ethnic groups (Aboud 2005). If children are showing a preference toward their own raceShow MoreRelatedThe African American Perspective Throughout The Harlem Renaissance1383 Words   |  6 Pages The African American Perspective Throughout the Harlem Renaissance African Americans had to push very hard to be seen and noticed. The Harlem Renaissance was a time where they created beautiful works of art to express the strength that they had. Zora Neale Hurston, author of How It Feels to Be Colored Me, expresses the importance of white people seeing and understanding African American’s pride and history. Augusta Savage creates the sculpture Gamin as a symbol for all African Americans. 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